Issue: Justice League 5
Arc: Justice League (Part 5)
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Jim Lee
Released 1/25/12
Rating 80% (8 Positive 2 Negative)
Critical Consensus: Johns and Lee finally put the Justice League together in this blockbuster issue, but despite all the action, it has its flaws.
Comic Vine 5/5 (Fresh) Tony Guerrero We are so close to officially having the Justice League in action. With Darkseid on the scene, there is some major destruction. He's proving to be quite an adversary for the heroes in the "New 52" and he barely has to do anything. Geoff Johns continues to develop the characters in their 'early days' and we're already seeing changes and they try to figure out how to get through this battle. Jim Lee and Scott Williams keep the action going with their amazing layouts that remind fans why they love seeing their work. JUSTICE LEAGUE is like a treat for the fans and I don't want it to end.
CBR 2.5/5 (Rotten) Greg McElhatton "Justice League" in general has had an extremely up-and-down first storyline, and this one is further proof of that. Fortunately we've still got another issue in which to see everything click back into place. I think Johns and Lee can do it, but for now this feels like an unfortunate step backwards.
IGN 7/10 (Fresh) Erik Norris Look, Justice League #5 is still a fun ride, it just doesn't offer much depth -- or, better yet, the depth it does offer is suspect -- and the artwork lacks consistency and feels lazy at points. But I have to admit, I'm still a sucker for the Justice League fighting Darkseid. I always will be. And for that, Justice League #5 was worth my money. (Fresh) Scott West And Johns’ Darkseid is perfect in the new DCU! Throughout the issue, the uber-villain doesn’t speak a word. But Jim Lee’s art at facial expression says it all. This guy’s expression doesn’t move much beyond mere annoyance at the superhero pests as they try to attack him. Darkseid is a god of his own world… and for the first time in a long while, he acts like it. Darkseid as the enemy is a wonderful way to introduce the League to a new generation of DC fans.
What Culture! 4.5/5 (Fresh) Jamie Slough I think Justice League has finally hit its stride through finding the right balance between character moments, humor and all out blockbuster set pieces. This is a defining moment for the series as it finally shows that the book has a strong heart beyond its initial appearance and that the creative team is genuinely beginning to hit their stride. I’m certainly hoping the series will continue and expand on the tone established in this issue and run with it for the next few years to come.
Batman News 7/10 (Fresh) Andrew Asberry I have my problems with Justice League? Yeah, but not to an offensive degree. I want it to be more of a TEAM book and the characterization could be better for some people, but the art and the action are too good to stay mad for long. It’s an energetic, fun book and I think anyone could pick it up and find something to appreciate as long as your inner child isn’t dead. It’s the comic book equivalent of a kid bashing their action figures together which is a book that can only succeed if it’s drawn by an artist as good as Jim Lee. Also, if you enjoyed last month’s STAR LABS secret files supplemental material you’ll be pretty disappointed by what this book has to offer: New 52 character designs—essentially what we’ve seen at the back of every DC New 52 book for the past 5 months.
Weekly Comic Book Review C+ (Rotten) At some point, this issue ceased to be about a team and more about a couple guys and their tagalongs. Johns has to rectify this soon, or this title will soon lose its credit and reputation.
Bleeding Cool (Fresh) Rich Johnston This is a comic about powerful people who have never really been defeated by something, coming smack bang against something that is so above their power levels, they are completely helpless, the only possibility is that they and think their way around an alien intelligence. Superhero comics are so often about hope, this sees that hope dashed again and again and again.
Inside Pulse 8/10 (Fresh) Grey Scherl At the end of the day, flaws aside, this issue was ridiculously fun. It’s constantly going from start to finish, and really, that’s what I wanted out of this book. I wanted my to get my moneys worth, and I wanted it in the form of action, and thankfully that’s what I was given. I think this first arc is going to make an awesome trade.
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